Corporate NewsCovid-19 Update: Suspension of Physical Classes
Suspension of all physical program delivery in schools and replaced with a Virtual Learning Environment.
Dear Students and Colleagues,
Following the global developments linked to the COVID-19 outbreak, SEG has decided to suspend all physical program delivery in schools, effective Monday 16th March 2020 and until further notice.
Regarding delivery of our academic curriculum, a Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) will be implemented for all programs. The VLE will enable students to continue their study programs online. The theory based subject areas will be delivered in the form of webinar sessions, directed feedback (Moodle), and case study discussion forums (video conferencing). The practical modules and related assessments will be regrouped and depending on individual student internship options, will be delivered when physical classes resume. In this respect, students will be provided with a study plan, following consultations with academic Program Managers.
Current students have the option of remaining on campus, where they will benefit from studying through the VLE, in the same time zone as fellow students and teachers. Students also have the choice of returning home, if they so wish. The VLE will be available for all students, regardless of their location.
For students wishing to remain on campus during the suspension period, both accommodation and food services will continue to be available.
Other Key Considerations:
- Students wishing to defer their studies to another academic intake, please contact the Academic Director or Program Manager.
- Students requiring assistance with any Internship issues, please contact your Internship Coordinator or Academic Director. We will provide all necessary support.
- Students choosing to depart the campus, we will assist with the logistics, transportation and travel agency contact details.
- All staff are expected to perform their normal duties until further notice.
- All of our current Health and Safety Protocols will remain in place.
We would like to thank all members of the SEG community for their continued support, cooperation and professionalism in these exceptional times and circumstances.
If you have any further questions please refer to the Q&A here.
Yours Sincerely,
Mr. Shen
Deputy CEO
- Swiss Education Group
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